Sunday, February 23, 2020

Measure of your own physical fitness Assignment

Measure of your own physical fitness - Assignment Example Risk factors questionnaire first will involve collection of information involving risk factors. This may be by giving questionnaires to individuals who have been proven clinically to be normal and those suffering from dementia. This questionnaire is administered to a number of about six thousand individuals. The questionnaire is set as follows: Students stress scale investigates the relationship between anxiety, leisure satisfaction, time management and academic stress. A stress scale for a student will be as follows; considering that people who have 100 percent and higher have a lofty health risk, while those scoring 60 percent to 100 percent have a half chance of health changes which are serious. Those below 60 percent have health changes which are less serious. Stress levels are measured by considering the health status of the student; hence the scale will show the incident that leads to stress and then the health status which dictates the stress level (Landow 38) The stress scale includes various factors that have a direct impact on the health status of students. Taking the test helps to make the stress levels go down to avoid getting stress related illnesses such as blood pressure, and blood sugar related complications. The scale is constructed for a specific period and at these instances the total percentages are taken to evaluate the total stress levels, and hence finding the health risks the student may go through. The scale is vital for students who have to combine schooling, family and social matters (Landow 128). The social readjustment rating scale is a sort of questionnaire that identifies major life events which are stressful. The rating scale involves awarding an event which is stressful a unit which represents life changes. It depends on how traumatic the event was felt by the students who are the participants in this case. The student can then come up with a total value by adding the unit awarded for every event for a period of 12

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Encouragement Of Small Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Encouragement Of Small Business - Research Paper Example One of the ways through which the national governments promote entrepreneurship is by encouraging small businesses through financial incentives, training for small entrepreneurs, providing exposures to such small businesses, and even reserving some government contracts to small businesses. By reserving certain government contracts to small businesses, it offers them an opportunity for growth, expansion, exposure, and even it shields them from competing with large businesses that have massive financial resources that small businesses cannot compete against (Compton, 2009). It is important to note that under the Small Business Act, a small business is defined as a business that is owned and operated by an independent person (S), and it is not a dominant player in the market. This present paper will focus on the encouragement of small businesses by the government through the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which spells out regulations for government officials when they are making purchases of government’s goods and services. ... Socio-economic considerations of the federal procurement process Broaddus et al. (2009) that the legal framework that is in place requires that the United States government to engage in an efficient and competitive process when it is procuring goods and services. Besides abiding by this legal framework, the government has further instituted various policies in the acquisition process in a bid to promote certain socio-economic objectives. The policies have been aimed at proving more contracting opportunities to vulnerable groups such as small businesses owned by youths, small women-owned businesses, veteran-owned small businesses, and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses. However, these small businesses are required to abide by the ancillary requirements as stipulated in the law and in executive orders. According to Keyes (2003), the main socio-economic consideration of the federal procurement process is the uplifting of small businesses that are owned by disadvantaged grou p or persons, who face economical and social disadvantages. These businesses have been accorded special status by the Small Business Act in regards to the U.S government procurement process. Therefore, it is more likely for these small businesses to be awarded a government contract since the government aims at improving the social and economic conditions of the people who run the small businesses, their families, and the community at large. Gender is also a factor that is considered in the government procurement process, in order to favor small businesses that are owned and managed by women entrepreneurs who are normally clustered as a disadvantaged group because of the various challenges that they face. Keyes (2003) stated that the consideration of women in the federal procurement